

成仏用心抄 (曾谷殿御返事)(全集)1056頁  



 謗法を責めずして成仏を願わば、火の中に水を求め、水の中に火を尋ぬるがごとくなるべし。はかなし、はかなし。いかに法華経を信じ給うとも、謗法あらば必ず地獄におつべし。うるし千ばいに蟹の足一つ入れたらんがごとし。「毒気は深く入って、本心を失えるが故に」はこれなり。  (新版1435頁)





To hope to attain Buddhahood without speaking out against slander is as futile as trying to find water in the midst of fire.or fire in the midst of water. No matter how sincerely one believes in the Lotus Sutra, if one is guilty of failing to rebuke slander of the Law, one will surely fall into hell, just a single crab leg will ruin a thousand pots of lacquer. This is the meaning of the passage in the sutra, "Because the poison has penetrated deeply and their minds no longer function as before,"