


減劫御書 全集1467頁

大悪は大善の来るべき瑞相なり、一閻浮提うちみだすならば閻浮提内広令流布はよも疑い候はじ。 Great evil portends the arrival of great good. If all of Jambudvipa were to be thown into chaos, there could be no dout that [this sutra would] "be wi…

1月の座談会御書 諸経と法華経と難易の事

諸経と法華経と難易の事 A Comparison of the Lotus and Other Sutras 仏法ようやく顚倒(てんどう)しければ、世間もまた濁乱(じょくらん)せり。 Because Buddhism has gradually been turned upside down, the secular world also has been plunged into…